Philosophy & technique
My philosophy
Photographs are a way to understand and appreciate the world
Photography can help us see the "here and now". By looking for motives to capture on camera, we zoom in on the world immediately surrounding us. We spend less time pondering on the past and future, and more in the present moment. I want my photographs to be a gateway to better understand and appreciate the world.
I photograph a wide range of subjects, though especially enjoy scenes involving nature, people, and cuisines. I am constantly on the lookout to
capture new images, usually prioritising spontaneity over diligent preparation of a shot.
My technique
Simplicity and flexibility
My photographic technique marries up with my philosophy. I capture most of my shots with an iPhone or compact digital camera, while only occasionally employing the services of a professional SLR. I believe that some of the most intriguing photographic perspectives tend to emerge unexpectedly. Reliance on flexible camera equipment allows me to capture these with ease.
I rarely edit my photographs extensively. For me, it's more important to convey a meaningful natural message rather than to try and perfect colours & light in the editing process. I feel such enhancements are often unnecessary, as natural images are frequently already expressive and/or impressive enough.